"Lord... give me the gift of faith to be renewed and shared with others each day. Teach me to live this moment only, looking neither to the past with regret, nor the future with apprehension. Let love be my aim and my life a prayer." ~Roseann Alexander-Isham

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas

"For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16.

As we unwrap gifts this year may we be reminded of the greatest; LOVE ever demonstrated, GIFT ever given, and CHOICE ever offered.

God freely gives us the Gift of His Son. Will you choose to receive it? We do have a choice, yet there are many in our world who don't know they have a choice. This is a reality of a personal God with a personal Love.

May you choose to receive His gift and in return may you give the gift of your Heart and Life to Him this Christmas.


May you meet the Risen Christ in every moment and memory this Season has to offer.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

All I Want for Christmas.....

All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth....oh wait, I already have them.

Actually all that I really want for Christmas is a phone call and an answer from God about next year. I have already gotten some great things this year. I received a package from home filled with love, I get to take a trip to Bali with some really cool girls, I have spent time as part of a family, I got a coat to keep my legs warm in the cold, and a new camera.

But again, I know what I really want for Christmas and so does God.......however, it is much different than the usual thing I hope for. Yes, those of you who really know me may recall what I usually ask for for Christmas. I don't want that this year, just a phone call will do.

There are a few other things I would like to ask for. For instance; peace on Earth, hearts that love as Christ loved, people who take risks because they are not focused on themselves, healing, actions and not lip service from others, etc..........I could go on and on, but I will pray for these things and allow God to work in His timing.

Though my heart doesn't think I will get what I want for Christmas, I am still going to hope and wish for it anyways.

Today I had an opportunity to go and visit the DMZ with the USO tour. The DMZ is the Korean Demilitarized Zone. I actually stepped foot into North Korea. It was a strange feeling standing and looking at the North Korean side, knowing my picture was probably taken a million times and knowing I could only see two guards, yet there was a lot more and many guns aimed at us that we could not see. It was all surreal. We also got to go down into one of the tunnels that have been found under ground inside the DMZ going in the direction of Seoul. I think today helped me write all those other things I would like to ask for Christmas. To know I was standing on ground where many people have lost there lives in hope of freedom. I can not explain how it all felt. I just feel so blessed and thankful that this opportunity was made available. We were on the waiting list and just got in at the last minute. We so need to pray for the people who are still in North Korea. God needs to move in this part of the world in a very big way. Here is a link that I found that just gives some general information on the DMZ: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_Demilitarized_Zone

We were not allowed to take many pictures but I hope to have them added to Seoul Pictures soon. I also got to visit Gyeongbokgung Palace the day before. It has been fun to finally do some touring of the area I am living in for a short while.

Saturday, December 16, 2006


It REALLY snowed tonight. It was so pretty and made the city look so clean at first. The first snowfall always brings out the child in adults. I was out with the 20/30 Somethings, and it was great to feel like a kid.

However, it took almost 25 minutes to hail a taxi in order to get home. The snow was falling but was very heavy and very wet. I actually had a taxi finally pull over and asked where we were going though it had a passenger. She allowed us to join her. Then the driver ended up picking up another passenger with me and my friend. And then we picked up two very interesting girls. The problem came again when the driver would not take us all the way up to my home here. So we ended up walking the rest of the way.

It was very cold and interesting to say the least, but the joy of the snow and the laughter when it first began just made me smile through the rest.

It was fun talking to Glauce, from Brazil. It was her first time in the snow and she loved it. She went out with Wilson and Marinda (Wilson's daughter) to play in it.

Oh, the joy of hearts filled with laughter. Praise Jesus for these moments.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Interesting Week

Wow, the beginning of the week was turned into an Us vs. Them type thing. That was because someone spoke out with the truth and stirred things up. Praise Jesus this finally happened. I even spoke out when someone was ugly and evil to someone else. Therefore, putting me in the outs more than I was. Because of this my one ally and support tried to push me out of their life, and though it hurt.....I was persistent. She was trying to protect me. I told her that I was 37 and old enough to do what I wanted. I would rather do the right thing than be a people pleaser and accepted into the crowd. I don't give up on people I care about and believe in.......so some of you reading this better remember that.

The end of the week had a whole different feel to it. We were also given our contracts for next year today. We have a month before we have to turn them in if we are staying. I know that two people were not offered a contract for next year....this may be a reason for the different attitudes the past couple of days.

I got to talk with a friend for guidance and though I am not 100% sure what I will do for next year, I am leaning a little more to one choice than the other. I am going to keep it in prayer.

The best part of the week was getting a package. It brought so much joy to my heart. My class said they felt blessed to see my joy. The drawings, cards, and pictures reminded me what I left back in Denver. I also got a Christmas card from another friend. I can't believe how much mail can lift your spirit.

Saturday, December 09, 2006


To see God's hand in everything
makes life a great adventure.

This was part of Our Daily Bread today. Though this has been a very up and down journey for me, I have seen God's hand in so many things and so many moments.

My class made me so proud of them last night during the Christmas program. They were responsible and helpful. Heck, when it was over they waited to ask me if they could go to their parents. They are amazing and I am soooo very blessed.

Wilson's children arrived last night as well. They called me this morning to come up and decorate the Christmas tree with them. I felt like I was with family.

Tonight we sat around and played cards.........I haven't felt this relaxed and this full of laughter in a very long time. We were definitely only in the moment.

Praise God for all His wonderful gifts and for this adventure called life. I don't know how anyone could miss embracing it all for all it has to offer. That includes both laughter and tears.....I am glad that there has been laughter in my heart these past few days.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Can someone tell where it says in the Bible that it is bad to say "Boring." I don't get why when my students hear this word they react as if it is the worst thing in the world and that they are bad because of it. The scary thing today is that I saw two teachers react the same way.

Tonight I went with Glauce to Itaewon, as we were leaving from eating another person tried to witness to us. This would be the second time in less than a week.

I meet the Risen Christ everyday with my class. Today I watched an angel at work. My class loves to go down and give Wilson hugs and spread some of Jesus' love, one girl in particular went around and hugged all the high school girls in the room, then said "But Miss Morton, no one hugged the boys, Can I?" I am very blessed.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Make A Difference

God again encouraged me and spoke through the message at church this morning. Here are my notes from it.

Pastor Tim started by saying "You will influence everyone who comes into your life. How will you impact or influence?"

Our lives make a difference, we were CREATED, SAVED, AND CALLED to make a difference.

You can look at these scriptures, if you want.
Created: Matthew 25:34-40, Genesis 12:2, Psalm 139:16, and Jeremiah 29:11
Saved: Ephesians 2:8-10
Called: Esther 4:14 and Romans 8:28

Which of the two kingdoms will you make a difference for? The Kingdom of Light or Darkness?

Interesting that when I came home later and read Our Daily Bread for today the scripture went right along with this from church. Acts 26:17-18; I now send you, to open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light....

God does have a plan and NO ONE can stop Him. If we choose not to follow or be a part. We miss out.

This is what was said that got to me the most:

He has put you there for "...such a time as this..." (Esther 4:14)

The question is will you join Him? Will you invest yourself in this opportunity God has given in order to make a difference, no matter what the cost?

After all, we have been BLESSED to be a BLESSING....

Saturday, December 02, 2006


On my way to meet Nichole at the subway station, I was stopped by a Korean lady. She asked if I knew who God was? I answered yes, that I knew God and was a Christian, she asked me what church I went to. After, I told her she proceeded to say that she was with the Church of God....and tried to witness....I think.

She kept asking if I knew God's name. I am still not sure what she wanted to know. She went to scripture. First, to Matthew 28:19-20, and pointed to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I said these where titles, which Pastor Hardwick shared once and that the LORD JESUS CHRIST, were the names to those titles. One God manifested in three. She said 'NO' and went to John 6:49-51 and asked what manna was. When she didn't like my answer she went to Revelation 22:17 and asked who the bride was. Now when I told her we were, the church....well, you should have heard her 'NO' this time.

Now remember by this time I am late to meet Nichole, I had text her to say I was there....but hadn't heard back from her. I kept trying to get away from this lady. I told her I believed and that I knew Jesus died on the cross for my sins. I asked her if she knew John 3:16, but she would not accept my responses. I was praying please God, either give me the words to say or a way out. Just then Nichole called me. Praise God!!

The strange thing for me is how I was able to remember the scripture she used.

Nichole and I went to meet up with the other 20/30 Somethings that were skating. Then 12 of us went to dinner, to a 'noraebang', and ended the night at 'Starbucks'.

I had Burger King because I am getting a little tired of Korean food all the time. It was the best meal I've had in awhile. I think that is kind of sad.

The 'Noraebang' you'll all find interesting. It is a room that you rent and sing Karaoke in.

It was a good night. Though I am laughing, we should just call the group '20 Somethings and a 30ish'

Friday, December 01, 2006


Today I woke up with a very sore neck, along with the pain I have been experiencing in my chest, which most likely is my upper right lung.

Oh, and tears that keep flowing so freely.......and I don't know why?

If it is like any other time in my history on my journeys with this adventure called life, then I would say that it was God preparing my heart for something big.

The moment I recall when I felt it like this the strongest was at Summer Jubilee 1997. Allyson, you wondered as to why my tears that flow so easily were not present before I left....they are definitely being made up for now.

Maybe these tears are flowing because my heart is so full, full with both Joy and heaviness. I am so overwhelmed with emotions and thoughts, my mind and heart are always pondering things. I am also sure this is why I am not sleeping very well.

Maybe these tears are the way my spirit is allowing me to release it all and give it over to God.

Though I do embrace the moments of the day that are met with the Risen Christ.....

My class and their precious hearts, I smile just when they walk into the room. They asked a million times to go and spread some of God's love to others. I felt their JOY.

Or the moment when Shou-Liang (pronounced sho-young) was angry. I hugged him and told him that Jesus and I loved him. I asked him if he knew how excited I was to have him in my class next year. You should have seen the way his anger turned into a small smile. My heart was warm.

Or when Sammy, who used to call me 'old lady', said "See you Mom". I am playing his mom in the Christmas Program next Friday. I must admit being called mom, had a nice ring to it.

And then tonight, when Momma W said "Your problem is that you are more homesick than you think".....those tears started to flow again because her words hit right in the center of my heart. I guess I am!!

I was also encouraged with God's Word:
Job 23: 10-17
But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside. I have not departed from the commands, of his lips; I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread. But he stands alone, and who can oppose him? He does whatever he pleases. He carries out his decree against me, and many such plans he still has in store. That is why I am terrified before him; when I think of all this, I fear him. God has made my heart faint; the Almighty has terrified me. Yet I am not silenced by the darkness, by the thick darkness that covers my face.